Directiva 87/489/CEE del Consejo de 22 de septiembre de 1987 por la que se modifican las Directivas 64/432/CEE y 72/461/CEE en lo que respecta a determinadas medidas relativas a la peste porcina
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Directiva 87/489/CEE del Consejo de 22 de septiembre de 1987 por la que se modifican las Directivas 64/432/CEE y 72/461/CEE en lo que respecta a determinadas medidas relativas a la peste porcina
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Documentos citados
- Council Directive 64/432/EEC of 26 June 1964 on animal health problems affecting intra-Community trade in bovine animals and swine
- 87/231/CEE: Council Decision of 7 April 1987 amending Directives 64/432/EEC and 72/461/EEC as regards certain measures relating to swine fever
- Council Directive 72/461/EEC of 12 December 1972 on health problems affecting intra-Community trade in fresh meat
- 87/230/EEC: Council Decision of 7 April 1987 amending Directive 80/1095/EEC and Decisions 80/1096/EEC and 82/18/EEC with regard to the duration and the financial means of measures for the eradication of classical swine fever
- Treaty establishing the European Community