Directiva (UE) 2015/565 de la Comisión, de 8 de abril de 2015, por la que se modifica la Directiva 2006/86/CE en lo relativo a determinados requisitos técnicos para la codificación de células y tejidos humanos
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Directiva (UE) 2015/565 de la Comisión, de 8 de abril de 2015, por la que se modifica la Directiva 2006/86/CE en lo relativo a determinados requisitos técnicos para la codificación de células y tejidos humanos
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Documentos citados
- Directive 2004/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on setting standards of quality and safety for the donation, procurement, testing, processing, preservation, storage and distribution of human tissues and cells
- Commission Directive 2006/86/EC of 24 October 2006 implementing Directive 2004/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards traceability requirements, notification of serious adverse reactions and events and certain technical requirements for the coding, processing, preservation, storage and distribution of human tissues and cells (Text with EEA relevance)