Charkaoui, Re, (2009) 368 F.T.R. 156 (FC)
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Charkaoui, Re, (2009) 368 F.T.R. 156 (FC)
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This document cites
- Ottawa Citizen Group Inc. et al. v. Canada (Attorney General) et al., 2006 FC 1552
- Canada (Attorney General) v. Khawaja, (2007) 312 F.T.R. 217 (FC)
- Canada (Attorney General) v. Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Officials in Relation to Maher Arar et al., (2007) 316 F.T.R. 279 (FC)
- Charkaoui, Re, (2008) 376 N.R. 154 (SCC)
- Charkaoui, Re, (2005) 284 F.T.R. 248 (FC)