Arthur v. Canada (Procureur général), (1999) 254 N.R. 136 (FCA)
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Arthur v. Canada (Procureur général), (1999) 254 N.R. 136 (FCA)
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This document cites
- Bull (David) Laboratories (Canada) Inc. v. Pharmacia Inc. et al., (1994) 176 N.R. 48 (FCA)
- N.S. Indians v. Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, (1999) 243 N.R. 205 (FCA)
- Canadian Motion Picture Distributors Association et al. v. Partners of Viewer's Choice Canada et al., (1996) 199 N.R. 167 (FCA)
- John Graham & Co. et al. v. Canadian Radio-Television Commission, (1975) 12 N.R. 44 (FCA)
- Canadian Broadcasting League v. Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission, Rogers Telecommunications Ltd. and Canadian Cablesystems Ltd., (1979) 29 N.R. 383 (FCA)