Alpha Trust (Edms) Bpk v Van der Watt
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Core Citations
This document cites
The Queen against Eyton, Esquire, and Others
Israel against Dougles and another
The Queen against William Ogle Dickenson
The Queen against Leith
Dewhurst, Watson and Whittle, Trustees of the Original Union Friendly Burial Society, against Clarkson
See all quotations
Martin and Coles, Executors of John Jenkins Matthews, against Robert Roe, Clerk
The Queen against The Registrar of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
Catchpole against The Ambergate, Nottingham and Boston and Eastern Junction Railway Company
Spencer against Goter
Ex parte Dension, Clerk
Victoria Falls & Transvaal Power Co Ltd v Consolidated Langlaagte Mines Ltd
Hendler Bros Garage (Pty) Ltd v Lambons Ltd
Lavery & Co Ltd v Jungheinrich
Pearl Assurance Co v Union Government
Van der Watt v Alpha Trust (Edms) Bpk