98 S.E.2d 115 (Ga.App. 1957), 36557, Evans v. Bredow
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98 S.E.2d 115 (Ga.App. 1957), 36557, Evans v. Bredow
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This document cites
- Georgia - 10 Ga. 439 (Ga. 1851), 62, Ratteree v. Nelson
- Georgia - 55 Ga. 288 (Ga. 1875), McDonald v. Beall
- Georgia - 105 S.E. 53 (Ga.App. 1920), 11665, Dobbs v. Bell Laundry
- Georgia - 134 S.E. 195 (Ga.App. 1926), 16991, Bankers' Trust & Audit Co. v. Hanover Nat. Bank of New York
- Georgia - 138 S.E. 582 (Ga. 1927), 5628, Bank of Brooklet v. Motor Liens, Inc.