96 N.W.2d 164 (Mich. 1959), 15, Burgdorf v. Holme-Shaw
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96 N.W.2d 164 (Mich. 1959), 15, Burgdorf v. Holme-Shaw
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This document cites
- Georgia - 55 Ga. 566 (Ga. 1876), Chapman v. Mayor and Council of City of Macon
- Michigan - 180 N.W. 405 (Mich. 1920), 95, Cornell v. City of Ypsilanti
- Michigan - 220 N.W. 890 (Mich. 1928), 92, Moblo v. City of Lansing
- Michigan - 226 N.W. 865 (Mich. 1929), 36, Jablonski v. Bay City
- Michigan - 255 N.W. 748 (Mich. 1934), 143, Rex v. Village of Lochmoor