9 Cal.App.3d 924, 35015, In re Henley
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9 Cal.App.3d 924, 35015, In re Henley
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 397 U.S. 358 (1970), 778, In re Winship
- California - 193 Cal. 575, S. F. 11111, Eisenberg v. Superior Court
- California - 45 Cal.2d 345, 22864, Cole v. Rush
- California - 57 Cal.2d 167, 20720, Di Genova v. State Bd. of Ed. (State Report Title: DiGenova v. State Bd. of Educ.)
- California - 58 Cal.2d 1, 7398, Paulson v. Superior Court of El Dorado County