87 N.W.2d 186 (Mich. 1957), 97, Rood v. Midwest Matrix Mart, Inc.
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87 N.W.2d 186 (Mich. 1957), 97, Rood v. Midwest Matrix Mart, Inc.
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This document cites
- Michigan - 141 N.W. 578 (Mich. 1913), J.B. Millet Co. v. Andrews
- Michigan - 165 N.W. 698 (Mich. 1917), 135, Porth v. Cadillac Motor Car Co.
- Michigan - 165 N.W. 856 (Mich. 1917), 63, Boston Piano & Music Co. v. Pontiac Clothing Co.
- Michigan - 190 N.W. 672 (Mich. 1922), 65, J.B. Colt Co. v. Reade
- Michigan - 201 N.W. 457 (Mich. 1924), 91, Plate v. Detroit Fidelity & Surety Co.