81 N.W.2d 240 (Mich. 1957), 89, Weinhardt v. Addison Community Schools
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81 N.W.2d 240 (Mich. 1957), 89, Weinhardt v. Addison Community Schools
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This document cites
- Michigan - 173 N.W. 612 (Mich. 1919), 12, City of Iron Mountain v. Iron Mountain Waterworks
- Michigan - 283 N.W. 1 (Mich. 1938), 57, Haylor v. Grigg-Hanna Lumber & Box Co.
- Michigan - 289 N.W. 306 (Mich. 1939), 96, Geel v. Valiquett
- Michigan - 294 N.W. 168 (Mich. 1940), 113, Michigan Mut. Liability Co. v. Baker
- Michigan - 31 N.W.2d 845 (Mich. 1948), 68, Wright v. Houdaille-Hershey Corp.