8 N.W.2d 141 (Mich. 1943), 52, O'Melia v. Berghoff Brewing Corp.
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8 N.W.2d 141 (Mich. 1943), 52, O'Melia v. Berghoff Brewing Corp.
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This document cites
- Michigan - 111 N.W. 166 (Mich. 1907), Hardy v. Allegan Circuit Judge
- Michigan - 134 N.W. 19 (Mich. 1912), Voight Brewery Co. v. Holtz
- Michigan - 172 N.W. 603 (Mich. 1919), 91, White Marble Lime Co. v. Consolidated Lumber Co.
- Michigan - 231 N.W. 577 (Mich. 1930), 162, White Star Refining Co. v. Hansen
- Michigan - 293 N.W. 751 (Mich. 1940), 55, General Motors Corporation v. Read