77 So.2d 32 (La. 1954), 41671, Richardson & Bass v. Board of Levee Com'rs of Orleans Levee Dist.
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77 So.2d 32 (La. 1954), 41671, Richardson & Bass v. Board of Levee Com'rs of Orleans Levee Dist.
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 160 U.S. 452 (1896), 62, Eldridge v. Trezevant
- Louisiana - 103 So. 290 (La. 1925), 24898, Bayard v. Baldwin Lumber Co.
- Louisiana - 104 So. 636 (La. 1925), 27207, Lacour v. Red River, Atchafalaya & Bayou Boeuf Levee Dist
- Louisiana - 113 So. 772 (La. 1927), 28021, Board of Leyee Commissioners of Orleans Levee Dist. v. Orangedale Colony Co.
- Louisiana - 114 So. 98 (La. 1927), 28318, Matthews v. Olla State Bank