647 P.2d 1026 (Wash. 1982), 47744-2, Petition of Phelan
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647 P.2d 1026 (Wash. 1982), 47744-2, Petition of Phelan
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 395 U.S. 711 (1969), 413, North Carolina v. Pearce
- Washington - 204 P.2d 482 (Wash. 1949), 30784, Lindsey v. Superior Court of King County
- Washington - 376 P.2d 646 (Wash. 1962), 36235, State v. Shannon
- Washington - 416 P.2d 124 (Wash. 1966), 37647, State v. Wills
- Washington - 517 P.2d 949 (Wash. 1974), 42666, Reanier v. Smith