63 N.E.2d 870 (Ill. 1945), 29181, People ex rel. Ammann v. Dipper
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63 N.E.2d 870 (Ill. 1945), 29181, People ex rel. Ammann v. Dipper
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Documentos citados
- Federal Cases - 281 U.S. 25 (1930), 44, District of Columbia v. Thompson
- Illinois - 25 Ill. 349 (Ill. 1861), Bradford v. City of Chicago
- Illinois - 63 Ill. 207 (Ill. 1872), People ex rel. Burke v. Mayor & City Council of City of Bloomington
- Illinois - 81 Ill. 540 (Ill. 1876), People ex rel. Sullivan v. Hake
- Illinois - 154 N.E. 707 (Ill. 1926), 17737, MacGregor v. Miller