61 S.E.2d 473 (Ga. 1950), 17220, Hulgan v. Gledhill
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61 S.E.2d 473 (Ga. 1950), 17220, Hulgan v. Gledhill
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This document cites
- Georgia - 17 Ga. 558 (Ga. 1855), 93, Printup v. Mitchell
- Georgia - 5 Ga. 341 (Ga. 1848), 38, Miller v. Cotten
- Georgia - 71 Ga. 818 (Ga. 1884), Beall v. Clark
- Georgia - 134 S.E. 152 (Ga. 1926), 5230 and 5231, Montgomery v. City of Atlanta
- Georgia - 87 S.E. 668 (Ga. 1916), 183, Driskal v. Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co.