59 U.S. 539 (1856), De Arguello v. U.s.
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59 U.S. 539 (1856), De Arguello v. U.s.
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - The United States, Appellants v. Archibald Ritchie
- Federal Cases - The United States, Appellants v. the Mayor, Aldermen and Inhabitants of the Cities of Philadelphia and New Orleans
- Federal Cases - The United States, Plaintiffs In Error v. Richard King and Daniel Coxe, Defendants
- Federal Cases - The United States, Appellants v. Christian Roselius, Abial Crossman, William Liveridge, Francois Autuin, Benjamin Howard, John Spear Smith, Brantz Mayer, John Gibson, and Gurley, Executors of John Donogh, Deceased
- Federal Cases - Maria De La Solidad De Arguello Et Al Claimants and Appellants v. the United States the United States, Appellants v. Maria De La Solidad De Arguello Et Al