578 P.2d 828 (Utah 1978), 15200, Layton City v. Speth
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578 P.2d 828 (Utah 1978), 15200, Layton City v. Speth
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This document cites
- Utah - 124 P.2d 537 (Utah 1942), 6330, Salt Lake City v. Revene
- Utah - 249 P.2d 507 (Utah 1952), 7628, Nasfell v. Ogden City
- Utah - 311 P.2d 370 (Utah 1957), 8560, State Water Pollution Control Bd. v. Salt Lake City
- Utah - 358 P.2d 633 (Utah 1961), 9280, Gayland v. Salt Lake County
- Utah - 437 P.2d 434 (Utah 1968), 10752, Salt Lake City v. Allred