57 N.W.2d 878 (Mich. 1953), 3, Martin v. Miller
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57 N.W.2d 878 (Mich. 1953), 3, Martin v. Miller
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This document cites
- Massachusetts - 273 Mass. 390 (1930), Tufts v. Waltham Auto Bus Co.
- Michigan - 273 N.W. 774 (Mich. 1937), 127, Bruun v. Cook
- Michigan - 299 N.W. 824 (Mich. 1941), 38, Chapin v. Cullis
- Michigan - 49 N.W. 529 (Mich. 1891), Stahelin v. Sowle
- Michigan - 21 N.W.2d 192 (Mich. 1946), 48, Cummings v. Steel Built Homes