57 N.W.2d 625 (Minn. 1953), 35644, Regents of University of Minnesota v. Irwin
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57 N.W.2d 625 (Minn. 1953), 35644, Regents of University of Minnesota v. Irwin
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 168 F.2d 264 (1st Cir. 1948), 4298, Demetria Sifuentes v. United States
- Federal Cases - 108 F.2d 95 (6th Cir. 1939), 7972, Welch v. Tennessee Valley Authority
- Federal Cases - 91 F.2d 85 (9th Cir. 1937), 7975, United States v. Shingle
- Illinois - 124 N.E. 638 (Ill. 1919), 12791, City of Chicago v. Witt
- Illinois - 173 N.E. 666 (Ill. 1930), 20106, City of Chicago v. Koff