542 A.2d 1047 (Pa.Cmwlth. 1988), Armstrong Educ. Ass'n v. Armstrong School Dist.
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542 A.2d 1047 (Pa.Cmwlth. 1988), Armstrong Educ. Ass'n v. Armstrong School Dist.
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This document cites
- Pennsylvania - 291 A.2d 120 (Pa.Cmwlth. 1972), Armstrong Ed. Ass'n v. Armstrong School Dist.
- Pennsylvania - 322 A.2d 767 (Pa.Cmwlth. 1974), Bristol Tp. Ed. Ass'n v. School Dist. of Bristol Tp.
- Pennsylvania - 381 A.2d 1005 (Pa.Cmwlth. 1977), School Dist. of Borough of Aliquippa v. Pennsylvania State Ed. Ass'n
- Pennsylvania - 414 A.2d 145 (Pa.Cmwlth. 1980), Bethel Park School Dist. v. Bethel Park Federation of Teachers, Local 1607, American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO
- Pennsylvania - 512 A.2d 805 (Pa.Cmwlth. 1986), Jersey Shore Educ. Ass'n v. Jersey Shore Area School Dist.