534 P.2d 3 (Okla. 1975), 47773, In re Supreme Court Adjudication of Initiative Petitions in Norman, Oklahoma Numbered 74-1 and 74-2
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534 P.2d 3 (Okla. 1975), 47773, In re Supreme Court Adjudication of Initiative Petitions in Norman, Oklahoma Numbered 74-1 and 74-2
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This document cites
- Oklahoma - 299 P.2d 799 (Okla. 1956), 36927, Wyatt v. Clark
- Oklahoma - 425 P.2d 952 (Okla. 1967), 42108, Hughes v. Bryan
- Oklahoma - 460 P.2d 418 (Okla. 1969), 42723, City of Ponca City v. Edwards
- Oklahoma - 501 P.2d 1089 (Okla. 1972), 45410, Oklahomans for Modern Alcoholic Beverage Controls, Inc. v. Shelton
- Oklahoma - 531 P.2d 316 (Okla. 1974), 45463, Oklahoma City Hotel & Motor Hotel Ass'n, Inc. v. Oklahoma City