51 A.2d 719 (Pa. 1947), 3280, Atlantic Refining Co. v. Wyoming National Bank of Wilkes-Barre
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51 A.2d 719 (Pa. 1947), 3280, Atlantic Refining Co. v. Wyoming National Bank of Wilkes-Barre
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 199 F. 1 (3rd Cir. 1912), 1,573, L. C. Smith & Bro Typewriter Co. v. Alleman
- New York - 201 A.D. 404, New Atlantic Garden, Inc. v. Atlantic Garden Realty Corp.
- Pennsylvania - 109 A. 529 (Pa. 1920), 36, Greek v. Wylie
- Pennsylvania - 113 A. 190 (Pa. 1921), 359, Bangor Peerless Slate Co. v. Bangorvein Slate Co.
- Pennsylvania - 151 A. 285 (Pa. 1930), 101, Fedas v. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania