49 N.W.2d 113 (Mich. 1951), 21, St. John v. Nichols
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49 N.W.2d 113 (Mich. 1951), 21, St. John v. Nichols
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This document cites
- California - 152 Cal. 357, S. F. 3879, O'Neill v. Thomas Day Company
- California - 40 Cal. 543, 2,330, Emerson v. County of Santa Clara
- Iowa - 193 N.W. 401 (Iowa 1923), 34978, Mechanics' Savings Bank v. Polk County
- Kentucky - 26 Ky. 153 (Ky.App. 1830), Armstrong's Adm'r v. Keith
- Minnesota - 193 N.W. 721 (Minn. 1923), 23,060, Sands v. American Railway Express Co.