44 F.Supp. 763 (E.D.N.Y. 1942), 2360, Dumbrow v. Ettinger
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44 F.Supp. 763 (E.D.N.Y. 1942), 2360, Dumbrow v. Ettinger
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 96 F.2d 597 (2nd Cir. 1938), 220, Rachlin v. Libby-Owens-Ford Glass Co.
- New York - 228 A.D. 634, Smith v. Hanson
- New York - 229 A.D. 793, Chase National Bank, City of New York v. Kitching
- New York - 217 N.Y. 382, MacPherson v. Buick Motor Co.
- New York - 235 N.Y. 468, Chysky v. Drake Brothers Co., Inc.