428 F.2d 159 (1st Cir. 1970), 7575, In re Boston & P. R. Corp.
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428 F.2d 159 (1st Cir. 1970), 7575, In re Boston & P. R. Corp.
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 250 F.2d 463 (1st Cir. 1957), 5194, Freeman v. Mulcahy
- Federal Cases - 331 F.2d 579 (1st Cir. 1964), 6220, Northeast Airlines, Inc. v. C. A. B.
- Federal Cases - 343 F.2d 583 (1st Cir. 1965), 6360, City of Lawrence, Mass. v. C. A. B.
- Federal Cases - 413 F.2d 137 (1st Cir. 1969), 7300, In re Boston & Providence R. Corp.
- Federal Cases - 426 F.2d 717 (1st Cir. 1970), 7445, Gillentine v. McKeand