426 P.2d 223 (Utah 1967), 10651, Worthen v. Shurtleff & Andrews, Inc.
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426 P.2d 223 (Utah 1967), 10651, Worthen v. Shurtleff & Andrews, Inc.
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This document cites
- Kentucky - 360 S.W.2d 509 (Ky. 1962), Charles Seligman Distributing Co. v. Brown
- Utah - 282 P.2d 304 (Utah 1955), 7982, Rogalski v. Phillips Petroleum Co.
- Utah - 375 P.2d 394 (Utah 1962), 9635, McConnell v. Commission of Finance
- Utah - 62 P.2d 558 (Utah 1936), 5671, Local Realty Co. v. Steele
- Utah - 97 P.2d 937 (Utah 1940), 6082, Norville v. State Tax Commission