42 N.W.2d 18 (Minn. 1950), 34958, Mickelson v. Kernkamp
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42 N.W.2d 18 (Minn. 1950), 34958, Mickelson v. Kernkamp
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This document cites
- Iowa - 225 N.W. 862 (Iowa 1929), 39303, Altfilisch v. Wessel
- Minnesota - 178 N.W. 501 (Minn. 1920), 21,784, Geiger v. Sanitary Farm Dairies
- Minnesota - 179 N.W. 647 (Minn. 1920), 21,852, Rosenau of Estate of Rosenau v. Peterson
- Minnesota - 193 N.W. 680 (Minn. 1922), 22,883, State v. Hurst
- Minnesota - 206 N.W. 934 (Minn. 1926), 24,964, Lucas v. Ganley Brothers, Inc.