40 S.W.2d 796 (Tex. 1931), 5482, Eckert v. Wendel
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40 S.W.2d 796 (Tex. 1931), 5482, Eckert v. Wendel
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This document cites
- California - 123 Cal. 360, L. A. 316, First Nat'l Bank v. Maxwell
- Minnesota - 92 N.W. 340 (Minn. 1902), 13,219, Brasie v. Minneapolis Brewing Company
- Mississippi - 50 Miss. 310 (Miss. 1874), Thomason v. Neeley
- Missouri - 8 S.W. 554 (Mo. 1888), Slattery v. Jones
- Pennsylvania - 19 A. 424 (Pa. 1890), 125, Henderson v. Henderson