388 N.E.2d 795 (Ill.App. 1 Dist. 1979), 78-1184, Matviuw v. Johnson
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388 N.E.2d 795 (Ill.App. 1 Dist. 1979), 78-1184, Matviuw v. Johnson
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This document cites
- California - 32 Cal.App.3d 619, 39870, Goodley v. Sullivant
- Illinois - 150 N.E.2d 202 (Ill.App. 2 Dist. 1958), 11132, Judge v. Rockford Memorial Hospital
- Illinois - 18 N.E.2d 709 (Ill.App. 1 Dist. 1939), 39804, Parker v. Kirkland
- Illinois - 215 N.E.2d 258 (Ill. 1966), 39476, Winnebago County v. Industrial Commission
- Illinois - 340 N.E.2d 292 (Ill. 1975), 47429, Troman v. Wood