378 F.Supp. 254 (D.Del. 1974), Civ. A. 4759, Maher v. Weinberger
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378 F.Supp. 254 (D.Del. 1974), Civ. A. 4759, Maher v. Weinberger
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 497 F.2d 837 (3rd Cir. 1974), 73-1937, Hess v. Secretary of Health, Ed. and Welfare
- Federal Cases - 322 F.Supp. 905 (D.Del. 1971), Civ. A. 3693, Marker v. Finch
- Code of Federal Regulations - Medical equivalence
- Code of Federal Regulations - Treatment required for individuals whose drug addiction or alcoholism is a contributing factor material to the determination of disability