376 P.2d 837 (Wash. 1962), 36247, Judkins v. Sadler-Mac Neil
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376 P.2d 837 (Wash. 1962), 36247, Judkins v. Sadler-Mac Neil
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This document cites
- California - 167 Cal. 372, L. A. 3223, Poggi v. Scott
- California - 42 Cal.App.2d 144, 11166, Bauman V.city and County of San Francisco
- Washington - 190 P.2d 714 (Wash. 1948), 30355, Theobald v. Satterthwaite
- Washington - 229 P.2d 546 (Wash. 1951), 31396, Martin v. Sikes
- Washington - 330 P.2d 178 (Wash. 1958), 34624, Wilson v. Wilson