360 P.2d 155 (Wash. 1961), 35442, State v. Fiddler
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360 P.2d 155 (Wash. 1961), 35442, State v. Fiddler
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 291 U.S. 7 (1934), 338, Wolfle v. United States
- Washington - 86 P. 951 (Wash. 1906), State v. Griffin
- Washington - 203 P.2d 342 (Wash. 1949), 30651, State v. Ternan
- Washington - 218 P.2d 329 (Wash. 1950), 30874, State v. Slater
- Washington - 247 P.2d 556 (Wash. 1952), 32044, Sutton v. Mathews