253 Cal.App.2d 1008, 8207, Marcus v. Palm Harbor Hospital, Inc.
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253 Cal.App.2d 1008, 8207, Marcus v. Palm Harbor Hospital, Inc.
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 191 F.2d 363 (8th Cir. 1951), 14189, Missouri-K.-T. R. Co. of Texas v. Ridgway
- California - 114 Cal. 681, Sac. 184, Bergtholdt v. Porter Brothers Co.
- California - 151 Cal. 1, L. A. 1656, Tingley v. Times Mirror Company, (A Corporation)
- California - 168 Cal. 564, L. A. 3330, Townsend v. Butterfield
- California - 176 Cal. 793, S. F. 7557, Grossetti v. Sweasey