25 Pa.Super. 595 (Pa.Super. 1904), 124-1902, Brushvalley Township Poor Directors v. Allegheny County Poor Directors
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25 Pa.Super. 595 (Pa.Super. 1904), 124-1902, Brushvalley Township Poor Directors v. Allegheny County Poor Directors
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This document cites
- Pennsylvania - 1 A. 789 (Pa. 1885), 88, Fowler v. Eddy
- Pennsylvania - 15 A. 926 (Pa. 1888), 181, Gibson v. Poor-District of Plumbcreek Tp.
- Pennsylvania - 16 A. 598 (Pa. 1889), 91, Wall v. Wall
- Pennsylvania - 16 A. 789 (Pa. 1889), 55, Pantall v. Dickey
- Pennsylvania - 41 A. 589 (Pa. 1898), 1, Poor District of Borough of Edenburg v. Poor District of Borough of Strattanville