243 A.2d 323 (Pa. 1968), Appeal of Vanguard School
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243 A.2d 323 (Pa. 1968), Appeal of Vanguard School
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This document cites
- Pennsylvania - 87 A.2d 259 (Pa. 1952), 7907, Hill School Tax Exemption Case
- Pennsylvania - 128 A.2d 773 (Pa. 1957), 3606, West Indies Mission Appeal
- Pennsylvania - 178 A.2d 562 (Pa. 1962), Appeal of Gilden
- Pennsylvania - 178 A.2d 600 (Pa. 1962), Appeal of Woods Schools
- Pennsylvania - 236 A.2d 776 (Pa. 1968), In re Tax Appeals of United Presbyterian Homes of Presbytery of Huntingdon (State Report Title: Presbyterian Homes Tax Exemption Case)