24 Misc.2d 790, Incorporated Village of Brookville v. Paulgene Realty Corp.
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24 Misc.2d 790, Incorporated Village of Brookville v. Paulgene Realty Corp.
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 260 U.S. 393 (1922), 549, Pennsylvania Coal Company v. Mahon
- New York - 281 A.D. 771, Long Island University v. Tappan
- New York - 3 A.D.2d 280, In re Galewitz' Estate
- New York - 202 Misc. 956, Long Island University v. Tappan
- New York - 145 N.Y. 32, Health Department of City of New York v. Rector of Trinity Church in City of New York