213 A.2d 268 (Pa. 1965), Appeal of Pennsylvania's Northern Lights Shoppers City, Inc.
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213 A.2d 268 (Pa. 1965), Appeal of Pennsylvania's Northern Lights Shoppers City, Inc.
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This document cites
- Pennsylvania - 139 A. 848 (Pa. 1927), 164, McSorley v. School Dist. of Avalon Borough
- Pennsylvania - 161 A. 303 (Pa. 1932), 6, In re Metropolitan Edison Co.'S Appeal
- Pennsylvania - 198 A. 49 (Pa. 1938), 96, Algon Realty Company Tax Assessment Appeal
- Pennsylvania - 106 A.2d 577 (Pa. 1954), Traylor v. City of Allentown
- Pennsylvania - 110 A.2d 392 (Pa. 1955), Appeal of Park Drive Manor, Inc.