205 A.2d 24 (R.I. 1964), 10337, State v. Nunes
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205 A.2d 24 (R.I. 1964), 10337, State v. Nunes
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 118 F.2d 596 (D.D.C. 1941), 7573, Whitaker v. McLean
- Federal Cases - 373 U.S. 723 (1963), 630, Rideau v. Louisiana
- Kentucky - 243 S.W. 27 (Ky.App. 1922), Stamp v. Com.
- Rhode Island - 1 A.2d 185 (R.I. 1938), 690, Kelley v. City Council of City of Cranston
- Rhode Island - 167 A.2d 542 (R.I. 1961), 10179, State v. D'Amico