[2017] 1 WLR 3851
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Core Citations
This document cites
Reference by Attorney General Under S.36 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 and Another
Attorney General's Reference (Nos. 37, 38, 44, 54, 51, 53, 35, 40, 43, 45, 41 and 42 of 2003)
R v A.B.
R v Malachi Augustus Francis and Another
Daniel Patrick Roque Hall v The Queen
See all quotations
R v Qazi (Saraj)
R v Keith W
R v Ambrozine Heron
R v A.S.
R v Maurice C
R (Appellant) Hall (1) and Another Ferris (2) and Another A Walker (3) and Another P Walker (4) and Another Dan (5) and Another Stones (6) and Another Robertson (7) and Another P (8) (Respondents)
R v Fontes (Ricardo)
R v Patricia Jane Maltby
Terence Round Vincent David Dunn v The Queen
R v James Stuart Hall
Basil Mortimer Bernard
R v W (Sentencing: Age of defendant)
*R v Forbes and Others
R v Millberry (William Christopher)
*R v Fruenregina v S (D)