[2011] 3 SLR 500
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Core Citations
This document cites
Varsani v Jesani
Abbatt v Treasury Solicitor
Re Lead Company's Workmen's Fund Society. Lowes v Governor and Company for Smelting down Lead with Pit and Sea Coal
Re Tobacco Trade Benevolent Association Charitable Trusts
Re Vernon's Will Trusts ; Lloyds Bank Ltd v Group 20 Hospital Management Committee (Coventry) and Others
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Neville Estates Ltd v Madden
Baldry v Feintuck
General Assembly of Free Church of Scotland v Lord Overtoun ; Macalister v Young
Attorney-General (Q) (Ex Rel Nye) v Cathedral Church of Brisbane
General Assembly of the Association or Body of Christians known as theFree Church of Scotland and for administrative purposes only as the FreeChurch of Scotland (Continuing) and Others v General Assembly of theFree Church of Scotland and Others
Attorney General at the Relation of Benjamin Mander, and the Reverend John Steward, Informant, and the said Benjamin Mander and John Steward, Plaintiff, and Joseph Pearson, Joseph Stanley, Joseph Baker, Thomas Williams, Benjamin Stanley, and Abel Whitehouse, Defendants
Craigdallie and Others v Aikman and Others
Charities Act 1994
Societies Act