[2010] 4 IR 702
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Core Citations
This document cites
Maher v Minister for Agriculture
Quinn v Ireland (No.2)
Browne v an Bord Pleanála
Kennedy v Attorney General, Minister for The Marine and Natural Resources
Seamus Quinn and Others v Ireland, Attorney General and The Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development and Others
See all quotations
Browne v Ireland
Cityview Press v an Chomhairle Oilina
Meagher v Minister for Agriculture
European Communities Act, 2007
Interpretation Act, 2005
Mackerel (Licensing) Order, 1999
Commission of the European Communities v United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Commission of the European Communities v Federal Republic of Germany.
Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Belgium.
Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic.
Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Livestock Marts Regulations, 1968
Diseases of Animals Act, 1966
Bovine Tuberculosis (Attestation of the State and General Provisions) Order, 1989
Fisheries (Consolidation) Act, 1959
European Communities (Trade In Bovine Animals and Swine) Regulations, 1997
Interpretation Act, 1937
Amministrazione dello Finanze della Stato v Simmenthal S.p.A. (Case 106/77)
Costa v ENEL
Internationale Handelsgesellschaft MBH v Einfuhr-und-Vorratsstelle fur getreide und Futtermittel (Solange I) (Case 11/70)