198 N.W.2d 189 (Neb. 1972), 38351, Junker v. Junker
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198 N.W.2d 189 (Neb. 1972), 38351, Junker v. Junker
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This document cites
- Nebraska - 111 N.W.2d 627 (Neb. 1961), 35020, Reckling v. Reckling
- Nebraska - 114 N.W.2d 1 (Neb. 1962), 35133, Jablonski v. Jablonski
- Nebraska - 128 N.W.2d 809 (Neb. 1964), 35645, Loukota v. Loukota
- Nebraska - 149 N.W.2d 430 (Neb. 1967), 36469, Kula v. Kula
- Nebraska - 158 N.W.2d 236 (Neb. 1968), 36737, Neeman v. Neeman