[1975] QB 118
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Core Citations
This document cites
W v W
R v Smith (Martin)
Rondel v Worsley
Willis v Maclachlan
Abbott v Sullivan
See all quotations
Royal Aquarium and Summer and Winter Garden Society Ltd v Parkinson
Calder v Halket
Haggard v Pelicier FrŠres
Le Caux against Eden
R v Uxbridge Justices, ex parte Clark (Note)
Burdett (Bart.), - Plaintiff (in Error); Abbot (Speaker, H. C.), - Defendant (in Error): and Burdett (Bart.), - Plaintiff (in Error); Colman (Sergeant at Arms), - Defendant (in Error)
Garnett v Ferrand
Peacock v Bell and Kendal
Leary against Patrick and Another
Scott v Stansfield
Hamond against Howell, Recorder of London
Houlden v Smith
Palmer v Crone
Wilkinson v Barking Corporation
Gwinne v Poole, Jones & Minors
Floyd and Barker
R v Warwick Quarter Sessions, ex parte Patterson
Anderson v Gorrie
R v Campbell. ex parte Ahmed Hamid Moussa
Henry Edmund Taaffe, Esq., v The Right Hon. William Downes, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench in Ireland
Magistrates' Courts Act 1952