[1974] AC 104
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Core Citations
This document cites
R v Kamara
R v Bhagwan
R v Bhagwan
Crofter Hand Woven Harris Tweed Company v Veitch
R v Churchill (No 2)
See all quotations
Shaw v Director of Public Prosecutions
Thorne v Motor Trade Association
Woolmington v DPP
Mogul Steamship Company v McGregor
R v Newland
R v Whitaker
R v Brittain
R v Porter
The King v Freeman Eccles and Others
Joshua v The Queen
The King against Turner and Seven Others
R v Levy and Others
The Queen against Thomas Henrick The Elder and Thomas Kenrick the Younger
The Queen against King and Others
R v Brailsford
The King against Tymberly
R v Mary Ann Mears and Amelia Chalk
The King against E. O. Jones and Others
R v McVitie
The Queen against Rowlands, Peel, Green, Winters, Pitt, Pratt, Duffield, Woodnorth and Gaunt
R v Button ; R v Swain
Le Roy v Starling Alderman De London, & 16 Auters
The Queen against Daniell
R v Warburton
Mr. Attorny against Starling, Company Brewers of London
R v Knuller (Publishing, Printing and Promotions) Ltd
R v Blamires Transport Services Ltd
Mogul Steamship Company v McGregor
R v Howell
Clifford, Esq v Brandon