186 A. 585 (N.J. 1936), 431, Spiegel v. Evergreen Cemetery Company
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186 A. 585 (N.J. 1936), 431, Spiegel v. Evergreen Cemetery Company
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 240 U.S. 612 (1916), 201, Southern Express Co. v. Byers
- Georgia - 38 S.E. 94 (Ga. 1901), Wright v. Hollywood Cemetery Corp.
- Indiana - 13 Ind. 134 (Ind. 1859), , Smith v. Baxter
- Illinois - 51 Ill. 467 (Ill. 1869), Farwell v. Warren
- Indiana - 25 N.E. 822 (Ind. 1890), 13,586, Renihan v. Wright