184 S.E.2d 645 (Ga. 1971), 26735, Snell v. Smith
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184 S.E.2d 645 (Ga. 1971), 26735, Snell v. Smith
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 256 F.2d 707 (D.C. Cir. 1958), 14172, Edwards v. United States
- Georgia - 165 S.E.2d 656 (Ga. 1969), 24987, Sharpe v. Smith
- Georgia - 169 S.E.2d 787 (Ga. 1969), 25323, Croker v. Smith
- Georgia - 171 S.E.2d 128 (Ga. 1969), 25406, Bush v. Chappell
- Georgia - 172 S.E.2d 661 (Ga. 1970), 25630, Goodwin v. Smith