184 N.W. 172 (Neb. 1921), 21581, Nitz v. Widman
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184 N.W. 172 (Neb. 1921), 21581, Nitz v. Widman
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 77 F. 106 (3rd Cir. 1896), 13, Forest Oil Co. v. Crawford
- Maine - 47 A. 903 (Me. 1900), Webber v. Jones
- Michigan - 79 N.W. 182 (Mich. 1899), McLain v. Howald
- Nebraska - 119 N.W. 764 (Neb. 1909), 15,833, Peterson v. Bauer
- Nebraska - 129 N.W. 261 (Neb. 1911), 16,243, O'Connor v. Waters