176 A. 313 (N.J.Eq. 1935), Camden Safe Deposit and Trust Company v. Barbour
176 A. 313, 117 N.J.Eq. 401
Opinion Judge:
Party Name:
CAMDEN SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST COMPANY, complainant-respondent, v. MARIE E. BARBOUR, defendant-appellant; GENERAL UTILITIES COMPANY, IRENE B. RANDALL and ROLAND L. RANDALL, heirs-at-law of Harry L. Randall, deceased, and the MONTGOMERY TRUST COMPANY, administrator pendente lite of the estate of Harry L. Randall, deceased, defendants-respondents
Messrs. Riggins & Davis, for the defendant-appellant. Mr. Frank S. Norcross, for the complainant-appellee. Messrs. Starr, Summerill & Lloyd (Mr. Alfred E. Driscoll), for the Montgomery Trust Company.
Judge Panel:
Bodine, J. For affirmance -- The Chief-Justice, Parker, Case, Bodine, Heher, Perskie, Van Buskirk, Kays, Hetfield, Dear, Wells, JJ. For affirmance -- THE CHIEF-JUSTICE, PARKER, CASE, BODINE, HEHER, PERSKIE, VAN BUSKIRK, KAYS, HETFIELD, DEAR, WELLS, JJ. 11. For reversal -- None.