174 S.E. 251 (Ga.App. 1934), 23607, Jadronja v. Bricker
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174 S.E. 251 (Ga.App. 1934), 23607, Jadronja v. Bricker
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This document cites
- Alabama - 33 So. 884 (Ala. 1903), Bullock-McCall-McDonnell Electric Co. v. Coleman
- Arkansas - 178 S.W. 909 (Ark. 1915), 120, Sparks v. Murray
- Georgia - 109 S.E. 532 (Ga.App. 1921), 12657, Marr v. Dieter
- Georgia - 14 S.E. 886 (Ga. 1892), Bush v. Rawlins
- Georgia - 148 S.E. 614 (Ga.App. 1929), 19603, Buchanan v. Tesler