173 P.2d 1001 (Wash. 1946), 29942, Karlson v. Department of Labor and Industries of Wash.
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173 P.2d 1001 (Wash. 1946), 29942, Karlson v. Department of Labor and Industries of Wash.
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This document cites
- Washington - 108 P.2d 1034 (Wash. 1940), 28116, Darling v. Department of Labor and Industries
- Washington - 108 P.2d 630 (Wash. 1940), 28222, State ex rel. Stone v. Olinger
- Washington - 128 P.2d 308 (Wash. 1942), 28631, Le Bire v. Department of Labor and Industries (State Report Title: LeBire v. Department of Labor and Industries)
- Washington - 147 P.2d 522 (Wash. 1944), 29148, Cooper v. Department of Labor and Industries
- Washington - 161 P.2d 661 (Wash. 1945), 29549, Kralevich v. Department of Labor and Industries